TC Bids SYEP Workers Farewell

By Amanda Moses

Spring Creek Teen Central (TC) bid farewell to their Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) workers on August 11th with a pizza party filled with snacks, ice cream and a friendly Disney trivia competition.

The festivities were bittersweet since many of the teens were sad to see their young new friends go, sharing that this summer was an experience they would not forget.  The group truly bonded together over video games, dance routines, swimming, and billiards.

As one last goodbye, TC staff held a trivia competition between SYEP workers and teen members. Each player had to quickly snatch a whistle that was placed between them and their competitor—whoever won had the ability to pick a question and choose to answer or pass it on. Questions included the names of Hades’ minions in Hercules, the name of Rapunzel’s Pet, and other fun classic Disney trivia.

The event culminated with several teens writing goodbye messages on a poster board so that they could remember the experience.

Photos by Amanda Moses

Amanda Moses

