Baldur’s Gate 3 Review

By Dean Moses

Game: Baldur’s Gate 3

Platform: Xbox Series X and Series S, PlayStation 5, Mac operating systems, Microsoft Windows

Rating: M for Mature

Cost: $59.99

Start the New Year off right with the title that has won game of the year—Baldur’s Gate 3. Developed by Larian Studios, Baldur’s Gate 3 is said to be the epitome of RPG games where players immerse themselves into a Dungeons and Dragon’s Universe.  This fantasy outing allows gamers to create a party of adventurers—either at home or online for what many are calling the most dynamic game on the market.


Upon booting up Baldur’s Gate 3, gamers are given a variety of races and subraces to choose as a baseline for their character (Elf, Tiefling, Drow, Human, Githyanki, Dwarf, Half-Elf, and more.) Then you must choose your class and choose wisely because this will affect how you can win fights or avoid them depending on the level of skills you develop (fighter, ranger, barbarian, druid, rogue, paladin, monk, warlock, cleric, bard, wizard or sorcerer).  Each class has its own perks, so players should concentrate on choosing a build that suits their style of gameplay. For example, gamers who enjoy ranged attacks and casting spells would most likely enjoy a warlock, wizard or sorcerer. While these three magical classes may seem similar, they actually have different sets of powers.


After choosing between 12 classes and 11 races, your character is tossed into an epic adventure after being infected with a “Mind Flayer” parasite that has embedded itself into the protagonist’s brain.  As you flee a crashing alien ship, you must work with a rag tag team in the Forgotten Realms so you can either fight the encroaching evil that is consuming the character’s mind or embrace it.  The cutscenes and cast of actors chosen to play key characters are brilliantly developed, with intricate backgrounds creating a more in-depth experience that rightly earned Baldur’s Gate 3 the award for best narrative.


Baldur’s Gate 3 is a turn-based system that utilizes skill levels and random chance dice rolls found in the board game, Dungeons and Dragons. This creates a wild card element to the game, so players can find themselves lucky to avoid a skirmish with a formidable gang of warriors with the roll of a chance dice or suited up for battle. Loot can be useful to find rare weapons or sell items to earn enough coins to purchase better gear.

Every choice made affects relationships and how the game is played—so be prepared to choose wisely even when it comes to which quests you want to pursue or eliminate. The game is divided into an overall narrative of the acts that takes place in different parts of the Forgotten Realms; however, be prepared for the enormous scope of this open world game.


Overall, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a grand RPG experience that goes beyond standard gaming expectations because it includes so much in one outing. The sheer amount of quests, outstanding narrative, beautiful graphics, and customization has gamers playing for hours on end.

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Dean Moses

