Spring Creek Sun
Pamela Stern
Amanda Moses
Copy Editor/Reporter
Alex Smith, Jr.
Graphic Designer
Spring Creek Sun
The Spring Creek Sun newspaper is published every other week, digitally.
Story ideas or comments?
Please feel free to contact us at the Spring Creek Sun. We look forward to hearing from you.
All material for publication must be submitted no later than Friday, 3 pm the week prior to publication, except with prior consent of the editor. All items must be doubled spaced, and the name and telephone number of the writer must be included.
Annual Subscription Rates: $60.00.
All Rights Reserved: Material in this newspaper, including all copy advertising and artwork, is the property of the Spring Creek Sun and may not be reproduced, in whole or part, without the written permission of the publisher. The Spring Creek Sun is not responsible for any unsolicited items and cannot guarantee the return of any photographs or manuscripts.
The views expressed in columns, articles, letters to the editor, and op-ed pieces do not necessarily reflect the newspaper's point of view.
We reserve the right to edit or omit any advertising and/or subject matter without reason. All material published is subject to the publisher's approval.
The use of the Spring Creek Towers (Starrett City) name, which may appear from time to time in our newspaper ads, does not constitute an endorsement of the merchant or his or her product.