FDA VIII Field Day at Shirley Chisholm State Park


On June 6th, students in Frederick Douglass Academy (FDA) VIII hosted their field day event at the Shirley Chisholm State Park in celebration of their efforts on the Math and ELA (English Language Arts) state exams. 

It was a bright and sunny morning when students from FDA VIII hopped onto their school buses to take a trip to the Shirley Chisholm State Park Fountain Entrance last week. The teens were asked to bring lunch, snacks, water, and small sporting equipment or games, as well as a picnic blanket. 

Teens hiked nature trails, roller bladed and rode scooters along the scenic Jamaica Bay and enjoyed a morning and afternoon of nature and sunshine. This was a much needed respite at the end of the year, allowing the teens to take a break from the books. 

Photos by Amanda Moses 

Amanda Moses

