JASA Remembers Veterans on Memorial Day


JASA Starrett Senior Center kicked off their Memorial Day celebration a few days early on May 24th with a lunchtime commemoration. JASA staff and volunteers decorated the cafeteria with red, white, and blue balloons and table-cloths as well as numerous American flags to showcase their appreciation for the veterans who’ve served and sacrificed their lives.

Memorial Day is usually celebrated on the last day of May, honoring all of those who have served in the US Military branches, such as the Navy, Airforce, Army and more. The commemorative period was first celebrated after the Civil War and was called Decoration Day. It did not become a federal holiday until 1971.

For JASA member Marian Page, Memorial Day plays a significant part in her family’s history. Several members of her family have served, some even lost their lives.

“There are several members in my family that were in the military. Even I have friends that I went to school with, unfortunately, they died in Vietnam. I have a cousin that served in Desert Storm twice. I highly respect and like to honor them, and simply show that I’m thinking of them,” Page said.

Seeing JASA honor this holiday was very special for Page, and while COVID-19 precautions caused several commemorative events to be cancelled over the past two years, she is happy to see it remembered at her local senior center.

“I think it’s wonderful. I look forward to it. When I came in this morning, and saw all the decorations and everything I was very happy. And I’m very, very supportive of it. Actually, I dressed to honor the holiday respectfully,” Page said, showcasing her American flag leggings and red t-shirt.

Photos by Amanda Moses

Amanda Moses

