On Saturday, August 26th, Spring Creek Towers’ (SCT) resident Dizzy Brown organ-ized Just Kickin’ It, a kickball event with multiple sponsors including The Oppor-tunity Hub that took place in the basketball courts outside of the Brooklyn Sports Club (BSC) from 2 to 5pm. This followed The Opportunity Hub’s Back to School Resource Fair.
There were approximately 50-60 partici-pants and spectators for the game. Among the crowd of people, there were also some celebrities present: Phresher, a rapper who was on the VH1 show “Love and Hip Hop,” Ferris Wheel Jay, a rapper/producer and actor, and Dupree a rapper and actor, all of whom participated in the game
The idea to have this type of event came from Dizzy Brown, a resident of SCT whose spirit of philanthropy, mixed with his passion for sports and community engagement created this event. The Just Kickin’ It event trans-cended the realm of sports, symbolizing a profound commitment to giving back to the community that Brown is proud to be part of. Brown wanted to show his pride for the community and celebrate the collaboration and unity that ties everyone together spanning generations.

“In its essence, this event stands as a testament to the power of unity, reminding us all that when we stand together, we achieve greatness. Be-yond the kicks and laughter, it marked the beginning of a new school year with a profound sense of community, to-getherness, and the unwavering belief that our strength lies in our unity,” said Brown.
There were two teams that played Team Dizzy and Team Earn. Team Earn won the game, with a score of 4 to 2 which was coached by Johnny Rosario the Assistant Director of Teen Central, under The Op-portunity Hub.

“Nanda (Executive Director of The Opportunity Hub) connected Dizzy and I in the early summer and gave us an op-portunity to build community. Dizzy pro-duced the concept of doing a kickball game made up of members that represent the community such as the youth, main-tenance, public safety, and a handful of other entities that serve the neighborhood. I asked Dizzy how Teen Central could support him, and he simply stated, “bring the youth and the fun will follow”. This amazing event followed The Opportunity Hub’s Back-to- School Fair and added a sense of team and family to a day filled with love and opportunity,” said Johnny Rosario the Assistant Director of Teen Central under The Opportunity Hub.

The event was made possible through the gracious support of sponsors such as; The Opportunity Hub, My Muse beverage, Stylez Blue, CutzGod, Welcome to Nellie’s cupcakes, New York State Assemblywoman Nikki Lucas, and the jerseys were provided by Earn.
Photos courtesy of: The Opportunity Hub and Destini K Photography