“Let’s go to the movies!” Teen Central and YAP See Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

By Amanda Moses

On June 6th, members of Spring Creek Teen Central (TC) and the Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) Young Adult Program (YAP) swung into a new adventure with the film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.  Together both groups visited the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Downtown Brooklyn, where they had an entire 40 seat theater to themselves.

Some teens were so excited to see the film they donned Miles Morales cosplay outfits, while others wore their favorite Spider-Man shirts. 

According to YAP Co-Director, Eileen Level, the teens and young adults had an absolute blast, and the film was a hit.

The YAP will be giving away free tickets (sponsored by Pluto TV) opening weekend for the film  Flash for June 17th and June 18th at the Stuart Cinema Café. For more information email: [email protected]

Photos courtesy of TC and YAP

Amanda Moses

