By Amanda Moses
Inside of the historic Intrepid ship, hundreds of soldiers, their families, and veterans gathered to pay tribute to the members of the United States (US) Armed Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country on May 27th.
Every year, the Intrepid Museum—a ship that once launched propeller planes during World War II, fighter jets in Vietnam, and even held the helicopters used to recover NASA astronauts—hosts a commemoration ceremony invited elected officials, decorated military personnel, and others to remember those who did not return back from their time in service.

Honorary speaker, Daryl Lane Caudle, Admiral for the US Navy and Commander of US Fleet Forces Command, shared that Memorial Day is a time of reflection.
“Memorial Day to me is a time to reflect. It’s a time to think about those who gave the ultimate for our country, for our way of life for our nation. I think it’s a time to instill hope. And when you see all the sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen around today, to think about that we are still the greatest country in the world. And we did that because of the ultimate sacrifice those that went to war gave,” Admiral Caudle said.

“We have such a great relationship with the Intrepid Museum, and to do this Memorial Day ceremony on the USA trip is extremely special as a naval officer and I think it’s important for all of us to be able to understand what the history of the ship is, and its service and what it means on this very special day,” Admiral Caudle added.
The commemorative event culminated with wreaths thrown into the Hudson River in memory of the fallen soldiers and three shots fired from the US Naval officers.
Photos by Amanda Moses