By Jahiah Wilson, Executive Director of Spring Creek Senior Partners


Lung Cancer Awareness Month is observed annually in November and highlights the need for more research to be conducted while cultivating a better understanding of the disease. Tragically, lung cancer is the second most common cancer and is also known as the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women worldwide. Each year, 218,500 people are affected by lung cancer in the United States. Out of these, about 142,000 succumb to the disease. This is because lung cancer is difficult to identify, and many individuals don’t experience any symptoms until the cancer has reached an advanced stage. It’s for this reason that yearly lung cancer screenings are recommended to those who have a history of smoking or have quit within the past 15 years. This Lung Cancer Awareness Month, vow to educate everyone around you regarding the disease.

If you need to see one of our NORC Nurses or Social Worker, please call for an appointment. Our telephone number is 718-348-7620. Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 9:30am to 12:30pm, Spring Creek Senior Partners offers free blood pressure, Body Mass Index, Weight and Oxygen Level screenings. Call our office at 718-348-7620 to schedule an appointment.
Spring Creek Senior Partners NORC will be conducting several workshops this month pertaining to health and wellness. Some of the topics include:

  1. Bingo every Friday from 2pm-3:30pm.
  2. Computer Independence for Older Adults at Betty Shabazz Center on 11/21/2023 from 12pm-1:30pm
  3. Free Blood Pressure Check with Nurse Alina every Thursdays from 9:30am-12:30pm.
  4. Holiday Luncheon on 11/17/2023 from 1pm-4pm at Brooklyn Sports Club
    For more information, visit the office of Spring Creek Senior Partners and speak with Jasmine Jennings to attend.
  • The staff of Spring Creek Senior Partners is here to assist those living in Spring Creek Towers who are 60 years and older. You are always welcome to participate in our many events and activities.
  • Spring Creek Senior Partners is a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community/Supportive Service Program (NORC/SSP) and we serve all residents who are 60 years or older. Our services are free and open to all residents of Spring Creek Towers. You can visit Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at 160 Schroeders Ave. (G5) or call us 718-348-7620.

Spring Creek Senior Partners

