Students Share Their Thoughts on the Spring Creek After School Program 

By Amanda Moses

It’s the start of a new school year and students have been gearing up to catch up with their friends, make new ones, learn new things, and participate in a wide array of activities. At the Spring Creek After School Program, children in kindergarten to fifth grade were excited to begin learning with their group leaders while also taking part in STEAM projects, educational field trips, join student clubs, and more.  For some, after school can be a time to receive homework help and for others it’s about interacting with other children and playing games.

The Spring Creek Sun spoke to several students at PS 346 and inquired what they look forward to and enjoy the most about the Spring Creek After School Program.

Elijah, 7, shared that he looks forward to finishing most of his homework after school so that when he finally arrives home, he is able to play video games like Mickey Mouse. 

“What I look forward to is doing my work in after school and play with friends. So, when I get home, if I finished my work, I could play video games and play with my toy cars,” Elijah said.

Leah on the other hand, anticipates creating new works of art during her lessons at the Spring Creek After School program.

“Art is my favorite. I like to paint! I paint whatever I see using water paint,” Leah said.

Justin, 6, likes receiving homework help and playing with Legos in  the After School Program.   But what he enjoys most is reading, especially the book entitled, “My First Book.”

“I like playing outside and reading,” Justin said.

Jamar, 7, has been learning his multiplication tables and is counting on testing his knowledge during math games and STEAM programs.

“I like math and to play board games in the afterschool.  I also like Roblox,” Jamar added.

Photos by Amanda Moses

Amanda Moses

