By: Pamela Stern
On July 18th The Opportunity Hub and sixteen Spring Creek Towers (SCT) residents (most of them are members of JASA and additionally there was one twenty-one-year-old in attendance) took a trip to The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (BBG).
All of the partakers for this trip met at 10am in the parking lot at 1390 Pennsylvania Avenue. This was the pickup and drop off location. Everyone was transported to the recently upgraded Brooklyn Botanical Gardens on a traditional yellow school bus.
Nasima Abdulalim, Senior Director of Wellbeing of The Opportunity Hub said, “I thought it would be a nice idea for Spring Creek Towers residents to be invited on an outing. I do want to see comradely continue in the neighborhood. The Brooklyn Botanical Gardens was selected because it’s a beautiful local staple to Brooklyn. “
There was absolutely no charge to any participants for this trip. All SCT residents were invited to participate in this trip to the BBG. However mostly JASA clients signed up.
The weather was indecisive and there were sprouts of sunshine as well as drizzles of rain. Everyone walked through the BBG with plenty of breaks including around the infamous Japanese Gardens and they also checked out the exhibits indoors including the Caribbean Plants. Although they didn’t have an official tour, they discovered many parts of the BBG including the Shakespeare Garden and the Elizabeth Scholtz Woodland Garden. Attendees brought their own lunch with them and The Opportunity Hub provided light snacks and water.

This fun excursion ended when attendees returned back to Spring Creek Towers at 3pm.
The Opportunity Hub’s Senior Director of Wellbeing, Nasima Abdulalim and The Opportunity Hub’s Outcomes and Evaluations Manager,
Yaneth Sanchez formed a bond and connection with members of the SCT community on this tranquil and fun escapade.
“It was an honor and privilege to go on an outing with this group of women. I think we all felt like kids again,” said Abdulalim.
Photos courtesy of: The Opportunity Hub