25th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Festival 


On Feb. 12th, thousands of New Yorkers lined the streets of Chinatown to observe the 25th Annual Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade and Festival. 

The festivities kicked-off on Mott Street and Hester Street with speeches from elected officials such as; Governor, Kathy Hochul, Mayor, Eric Adams, Attorney General, Letitia James, New York State Senator, Chuck Schumer, and more applauding the revitalization of Chinatown following the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. To their surprise and pleasure, the parade saw the largest number of attendees since 2020. 

Community leaders were then invited to partake in the Awa-kening of the Dragon—dotting eyes upon the heads of two large serpent puppets—symbolizing life being given to the creatures. This was followed by guests holding out fishing rods from which lettuce dangled for the lion dancers to feast upon. This cere-mony signified the promise of a healthy and wealthy new year. 

With the burst of confetti and the banging of drums, the parade commenced from Mott and Canal Streets. Revelers of all ages stretched their arms out in an attempt to pet passing dragons or lions for good luck. Others cheered as they sprayed silly string into the air and rejoiced for the Year of the Rabbit. Large floats also passed down the parade route, with some shooting multicolored confetti over the excited crowd while others waved from cars. 

The parade culminated near Eldridge and Forsythe Streets by Sara D. Roosevelt Park. 

Photos by Amanda Moses 

Amanda Moses

