A month dedicated to recognizing the importance of volunteering and honoring the significant contributions volunteers make by generously donating their time and talents to worthy causes.

Planning tips for National Volunteer Week  

SPRING CREEK SENIOR PARTNERS thanks our wonderful and dedicated volunteers. You are a really important part of our team and we could not achieve what we do without you.  You give the most precious gift of all – you give of yourself!! Volunteers Have Hearts of Gold; Helping people Young and Old; Always Giving; Always Sharing; Volunteers Are Always Caring!!!!

If you want to join our team, call Trichna at 718-348-7620

National Volunteer Month in April celebrates the impact volunteers have on our lives and encourages active volunteerism in generations to come. Most often unpaid, they generously donate a part of their lives to do the work that nobody else likes to do — cleaning up after the event, fostering shelter dogs, chaperoning field trips, office work. This month, we salute them for their unwavering/unconditional services to businesses, communities and others. Their examples have the power to inspire young and adults towards volunteerism.

Volunteers also gain satisfaction and benefits by becoming involved in their communities. How can volunteering be a personal benefit to you? Here are five reasons to give a little time to a nonprofit organization every week.

1. Growth
By volunteering, you see growth and change, knowing that you have played an important role in helping this happen.
2. Enrichment
There’s nothing more fulfilling than realizing how much of an impact a volunteer can make.  Just a few hours of helping can turn into a lifetime of opportunity, which is one of the greatest benefits of volunteering.
3. Learning
Volunteer opportunities often allow people to try new activities or learn new skills. For example, when an accountant volunteers to help cook a holiday dinner at a homeless shelter, he walks away with not only a few cooking tips, but also knowledge of how to keep food at a safe temperature and how to serve large groups.
4. Friendships
When like-minded people get together, friendships are formed. After working on a volunteer project for a few weeks, it’s not uncommon for volunteers to exchange phone numbers or social media information. By giving just a few hours a week, lifetime friendships may be established.

5. Volunteering strengthens your community.

Volunteers and student interns play a vital role in helping Spring Creek Senior Partners accomplish its mission which is to help those 60 and over, residing in Spring Creek Towers, live active, fulfilling and healthy lives for as long as possible. 

Tips on how to increase your chances for a long and healthy life: 

Be active – walk; exercise; if possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and little or no fatty foods. Don’t smoke and limit your alcohol consumption. Go for annual medical checkup. Take advantage of preventive screenings and immunizations like flu and pneumonia shots. Pay attention to your mental health – ongoing sadness, loss of interest, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, changes in sleep pattern, loss of appetite, excessive crying, irritability and so on. If you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms, please contact NYC WELL at 1-888-692-9355. 

Spring Creek Senior Partners offers many events and activities to help keep you active, informed and healthy. 

For more information, call the office of Spring Creek Senior Partners and speak to one of our staff members at 718-348-7620 for an appointment.

Join us for

  1. Elder Abuse Workshop – Monday, April 4, 2022
  2. Walk-A-Thon – Monday, April 11, 2022
  3. Technology Hybrid – Monday (in-person), Wednesday and Friday (Virtual)
  • ARTS/CRAFTS (CROCHET) & GARDENING every Thursday (in-person)
  • Steelpan music class every Thursday with Instructor Gregory Lezema (in-person)
  • Painting class every Tuesday with Instructor Alicia Aberdeen (in-person)
  • Pottery class every Friday with Instructor Charles Watts (in-person)
  • BINGO every Friday (in-person)
  • Tai Chi for Arthritis every Thursday and Friday
  • Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) every Tuesday & Wednesday

The staff of Spring Creek Senior Partners is here to assist those living in Spring Creek Towers who are 60 years and older.  You are always welcome to participate in our many events and activities. 

If you need to see one of our case workers or the NORC Nurse, please call for an appointment.  Our number is 718-348-7620.


Spring Creek Senior Partners is a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community/Supportive Service Program (NORC/SSP) and we serve all residents who are 60 years or older. Our services are free and open to all residents of Spring Creek Towers.  You can visit Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at 160 Schroeders Ave. (G5) or call us 718-348-7620.  

Spring Creek Senior Partners

