The Spring Creek Young Adults Program began one year ago with just a small group of individuals who shared a common interest. Now it has blossomed to almost 50 members each with varying hobbies thanks to Department of Public Safety’s Youth Officer, Charles Royster and Young Adults Coordinator, Eileen Level.
Together Level and Royster have created a fun, interactive environment for those who’ve aged out of Teen Central to re-enter a familiar space. Every Thursday at 7pm, young adults ages 18-21 meet in the Teen Central Lounge, located in the lower level of the Brooklyn Sports Club (BSC) and spend the evening laughing, listening to music, eating a variety of foods and simply socializing in a safe space.
There is always something new to learn and try at the Young Adults Program, where they engage in fun challenges, which then prompted Royster and Level to initiate their first-ever field day.
“It’s actually going to be an event that takes place throughout the summer! Positive competition, exercise, and joy,” Level said.

Standing outside of the BSC, teams of five were divided on either side of a concrete playground as Royster laid out the rules of “Steal the Bacon.”
“I’m going to call an odd and even number. When you hear your number run and get the bacon, if the person who snatches the bacon makes it pass the cones they are safe. But before they get to the cones you have the opportunity to steal the bacon,” Royster told the young adults.
Other endurance activities included, “Horse Stance,” “Push up Hop,” and a short distance race. The event drew such an interest that residents even peered outside of their windows to watch.
“The event was a great success, and it was nice seeing the excitement on the faces of residents who were watching the event,” Wendy Nicholas said, the Director of Programs Spring Creek Recreational Fund, who observed the field day competitions.

Photos courtesy of the Young Adult Program