Back to School at Spring Creek Towers!

By Amanda Moses

All across New York City school bells once again rang, marking the start of another year of education on September 5th. Groggy elementary children and high school teens rubbed their eyes as they entered their school buses, or for some mass transit, in their crisp new uniforms—ready to learn.

Four local schools started their classes in the Spring Creek Towers (SCT) community: Starrett Early Learning Center (SELC), Abe Stark Primary School (PS) 346, Frederick Douglass Academy (FDA) VIII, and Be’er Hagolah.  It is also the first term where students from Gateway Intermediate School (IS) 364 were transferred to FDA VIII after the middle school’s closure over the summer.

Beneath the orange hues of daybreak, the children met with their teachers giving one last kiss goodbye to their parents. Some excitedly ran to their friends with open arms as they embraced for what seemed like an endless summer, others begrudgingly dragged their feet as they entered their schools.

Photos by Amanda Moses

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Amanda Moses

