Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Philippe Petit’s High Wire Walk between the Twin Towers

By Amanda Moses

Fifty years ago, Philippe Petit’s death-defying hire wire walk from the north to south World Trade Center Towers shocked the world. It was a bright and sunny morning on August 7th, 1974, when Petit snuck to the top of the newly built Twin Towers and anchor a 131-foot cable between them. With powerful winds, a dipping cable, Petit defied the odds and walked 1,350 feet above ground between the towers using only a long pole to maintain his balance. Although his 45-minute brisk morning walk across a cable wire caused him to be arrested for disorderly conduct and criminal trespass, Petit’s actions made history.

Now at 75 years old, the highwire artist staged the show, “Towering!!” at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine on the 50th anniversary of his walk on August 7th and held an encore performance on August 8th. In this reenactment, Petit walked through the ribbons of

Anne Patterson’s Divine Pathways accompanied by live music from the legendary singer Sting as well as other performers.

Beneath the Byzantine’s structure and stain glass windows, a wire was strong between the Cathedral’s columns where Petit utilized lighting, music, and the sheer beauty of highwire walking to reenact that morning atop of the Twin Towers. Accompanied by clips from the short film by James Marsh, the director of “Man on Wire,” audience members gasped and watched in awe at Petit’s agile movements. Akin to a ballet dance displaying the whirlwind experience, Petit artistically displayed a moment in his life he would never forget.  

Photos by Amanda Moses

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Amanda Moses

