FDA VIII’s Annual Freddy’s Feast

By Amanda Moses

On November 23rd, Frederick Douglass Academy VIII hosted “Freddy’s Feast,” an annual Thanksgiving tradition where students in each grade are invited to bring a variety of dishes for all to enjoy. This year students in 6th grade were asked to provide meals that are veggie based and starches (potatoes, yams, etc.), 7th graders were called upon to provide various meat dishes, and 8th graders brought desserts.

This  event saw several middle schoolers, hungrily eyeing stacks of cupcakes, pies, turkey, and an assortment of chicken (baked, fried, and jerk chicken), Lo Mein, and more.  One by one classes lined up to the buffet, while volunteers staked their plates for a fun-filled lunch the day before the Thanksgiving holiday.

Photos by Amanda Moses

Amanda Moses

