FDA VIII’s Students Bid an Emotional Goodbye to Middle School

By Amanda Moses

On June 21st, Frederick Douglass Academy (FDA) VIII ‘s eighth grade students bid an emotional goodbye to their middle school after a heartfelt graduation ceremony held inside of the auditorium at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Parents clutched onto congratulatory balloons while others proudly wore hats and t-shirts with their children’s faces on it, happy to see them take on the next step in their education. Step by step, the graduates filed into the auditorium wearing burgundy robes and reciting the FDA VIII creed (a promise the students state every morning that they will do their best).

The ceremony was a little more emotional than most because of the tight knit bond the children created over the years since the COVID-19 pandemic. They were the first group to start fresh with in person learning in sixth grade, and the friendships they forged were everlasting.

While Valedictorian Raja Rope-Carter and Salutatorian Adam Al-Badani gave beautiful remarks as to how they have grown over the years and that their future is limitless, it was the rousing speech by Principal Chantal Grandchamps that caused many to jump up in applause.

“Today marks a significant milestone in your lives as you prepare to step into the next chapter of your journey. Graduation is not just a culmination of academic achievements, but a celebration of your resilience, determination and limitless potential. Frederick Douglass once said: ‘If there is no struggle, there is no progress. These words resonate deeply today. As we reflect on your growth and accomplishments. Each of you have faced challenges big and small, that have shaped you into the individuals you are becoming. But remember it is through those challenges that we learn to grow and ultimately manifest our dreams,” Grandchamps said.

Grandchamps reassured her students that they can do anything they set their minds to, and to never let anyone deter them from their dreams.

“I was once told I could not go to college. I was not going to be a teacher. I wasn’t going to be a principal, and I said, ‘I’ll show you.’ That’s what I want you to do. Show them. Dream big and work hard,” Grandchamps added.

Photos by Amanda Moses

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Amanda Moses

