Gratitude is recognized as one of the healthiest human emotions. While Thanksgiving is a special day dedicated to giving thanks, it is important to practice gratitude daily.
Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on what you are grateful for? Embracing the positive aspects of our lives can ignite the release of dopamine and serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitters that uplift our spirits and enhance our well-being. Research shows that as we age, we tend to become more grateful. Additionally, positive thinking can enhance mental health, improve physical health, increase longevity, and boost cognitive function.

At Spring Creek Towers, the Jewish Association Serving the Aging (JASA) Starrett Center welcomes its members with enjoyable activities. As the holiday season approaches, the center ensures a Thanksgiving event filled with food, laughter, music, and, most importantly, a spirit of gratefulness.

Virginia Cannon, a Spring Creek Towers’ resident since 2019 and JASA member, said, “Thanksgiving is about being grateful for every moment and everything that you have. I am so grateful for my health, grandchildren, and children.”

JASA member Valerie Kelsey told the Spring Creek Sun, “In Jamaica, we do not celebrate Thanksgiving, but since I came to New York, it’s been nice to show gratitude for my life, health, family, and friends.”

“Thanksgiving means to me a celebration of a successful year of being able to provide food for our family and friends. I am thankful that I have the means to come to JASA; it serves a useful purpose for the members who live here, and people like me who don’t live here. I am thankful for the programs that they offer,” said Robert Sorensen.
What are some of the ways that you can show gratitude?
- Be kind to yourself! When your inner peace is intact, you can extend kindness to others.
- Always remember to say “please” and “ thank you”; it costs nothing.
- Perform a kind act for someone without any expectations in return.
- Complement someone by highlighting their strengths or positive qualities. You might also mention that you like their shoes!
- Offer your time to someone, especially a senior citizen. Seniors enjoy sharing stories about their lives but often need someone to listen to.
- We are all on this wild rollercoaster, so let’s enjoy the journey with gratitude, happiness, kindness, and love.
Happy Thanksgiving from The Spring Creek Sun! We are thankful for our readers! Follow us on Instagram @Spring_Creek_Sun for footage of this event and more.