With the assistance of Spring Creek Towers’ Department of Public Safety, the Spring Creek Sun compiled the following list of personal safety tips that are applicable during the holiday season and all year round.
• Before you reach your building and apartment doors, have your keys in your hand; make sure no unknown person(s) are following behind you.
• Before entering or exiting any building or elevator, take your time and look to see that the area is clear of any suspicious person(s) or activity.
• Do not enter or exit any building or elevator when you feel uncomfortable with people already in the area.
• Never open or hold your building’s entrance doors (front or rear) for anyone who does not have a key.
• Never buzz into your building a person(s) that When you return home or reach your final destination, if you have a number of packages or bulky items – ask a relative, friend or neighbor to help you to bring your packages inside.
- While walking outdoors or in public spaces, keep your head up and avoid using your phone – no talking, texting, listening to music, or playing games.
- When out at night, travel in groups and on well-traveled streets.
- Do not keep car and apartment keys in your handbag.
- When visiting a bank or ATM, count and put away your money in front of the teller or at the machine.
- Never discuss your personal finances with a stranger.
• If you carry a purse or bag, tuck it under your arm. Do not carry it in your hand or by its shoulder strap.
• Avoid a purse snatching by carrying a small purse that is kept in your pocket.
• Keep your wallet in your pants’ front pocket or your coat/jacket’s inside pocket.
• Only carry the amount of cash that you need at the time.
• Do not pull out and show that you have a large sum of money.
- When getting on or off mass transit – particularly buses, be protective of your bag(s) and packages to avoid having them taken from you (also make sure you don’t leave anything behind on the bus/train).
- When parking in a public space or garage, choose a well-lit spot and where people are likely to be walking by.
- Do not leave packages, pocketbooks/wallets visible on the seats or the floor of your vehicle.
- Even though you may not have any money in your pocketbook or wallet, a thief doesn’t know that, and may damage your car in trying to grab the item.
If you think that someone is acting suspiciously or something suspicious is happening, immediately call SCT Department of Public Safety at 718-642-7550. When making your report, you will not be required to identify yourself – just give the facts.