IS 364 Falcons Host Dads Take Your Child to School Day

By Amanda Moses

Students and staff at Gateway Intermediate School (IS) 364 participated in the annual, nationwide affair Dads Take Your Child to School Day (DTYCTS) on September 22nd (a few days after the official nationwide celebration on September 17th).

DTYCTS is an initiative that was introduced in 2007 by NYS Office of Children and Family Services. Most notable, it has helped improve family engagement in schools and garnered more fatherly involvement in both a child’s education and participation in extracurricular activities. 

Principal Nicole Edmund-Fraser is a strong believer in promoting parent involvement in school.  Every year she works with her staff to cultivate an event that fosters fatherly engagement through a delicious breakfast and activities. This year the school hosted a breakfast for all of the fathers, grandfathers, “fathers that stepped up,” godfathers, and other figures. 

“Fathers are pillars in the development of a child’s emotional well-being. Father figures, thanks for being you,” Fraser said.

At the event, the teachers stressed their appreciation for not just their presence at the celebration, but also their steadfast dedication to the children at IS 364. One of the fun-filled activities held involved the students learning how to tie a necktie.

Photos courtesy of IS 364

Amanda Moses

