By: Pamela Stern
The Starrett Judo Club held their Annual Parent Night on Friday, May 10th where parents not only observed their children in Judo but also joined the class. Judo is not only a competitive sport but, also teaches the kids how to navigate the gentle way through life, Judo is a Japanese word that means the gentle way. It is through Judo that the kids are learning how to maneuver the way through life through Judo.
“I built this program this way so the kids will have a sense of community while they are also in competition. I thought it was very important to have a parent night so the parents can engage with their children in a competitive nature, “ said Coach Parnel Legros.
Almost all of the Judokas’ (Japanese word for Judo Students) parents came out. Legros had the parents participating in Judo exercises and activities. Coach Legros prepared exercises that the parents could do along with the judokas. The parents took part in basic exercises so that the parents would not get hurt. There were no throwing exercises. The parents were able to participate in all aspects of the class.
“The parents did extremely well, there was a tie score and the students won the tie-breaker,” said Legros.
The parents also were able to learn some simple Judo maneuvers that they were able to use on their children. After the parents were taught some Judo moves then they had a match against the kids. This allowed the parents to see how much their children are practicing for their upcoming tournaments.
The parents enjoyed themselves. The parents were rooting for themselves and the kids were rooting for themselves too. It was a lot of fun. This is an annual event that takes places each year.
“Parent Night (or afternoon) was so much fun. Day in and day out for those who have just started and for those who have been in judo for years, us parents see the hard work and dedication our children put in, but we never participate. And today we were able to take part in some of the exercises and key judo moves that our kids do on a daily basis and it was NOT easy! The children are now the reigning champs…until next time. Thank you to all of the parents who came, supported, and took part in this event, it was definitely a core memory for myself, other parents and of course Coach Legros and the kids!,” said Krystal Pena, Starrett Judo Club Parent Coordinator.
Kelsey Billups is ranked #4 in the United States and is training for the National Championships. Jackson “JJ” Billups her twin brother is ranked #10 in the United States and is also training for the National Championships.
Screenshots are courtesy of: Jotamar Jean