National Night Out Against Crime Continues to Bridge Community

By Amanda Moses

Every summer precincts throughout New York City join police officers for National Night Out Against Crime.  This year the celebration was held on August 6th, where in more than 70 locations citywide members of the NYPD and city officials joined together to promote an evening of community-building in which officers interacted with locals to help strengthen their bonds. This event was developed to curb violence by allowing residents to meet the men and women in blue who protect them and work together to create a safer neighborhood.

Some police precincts hosted barbeques, bouncy castles, music, food, and other activities either outside of their police stations or in local parks.

At the 75th Precinct, the department that covers the Spring Creek Towers area, among others, hosted their Night Out Against Crime at the Gateway Estates Parkes Phase 11 along 115 Ashford Street from 2pm to 7pm. At this event members of the community were able to enjoy delicious burgers, hot dogs, cotton candy, listen to music, and more as well as play inside of a bouncy castle, partake in basketball matches and receive lots of raffled giveaways.

Photo via ‘X’ from Mayor’s Office

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Amanda Moses

