On Stage with the Spring Creek After School Program

By Amanda Moses

The neon lights of Broadway shined a little closer to Brooklyn from May 20th to May 23rd thanks to the Spring Creek After School Program’s performances.

Over the course of three months, students in kindergarten and first grades, second grades, and fifth grades worked with AhHa! Broadway to create an unforgettable showcase for parents, guardians and classmates on May 20th inside of Abe Stark Primary School (PS) 346’s café. The children learned how to dance and act out improvisational scenes, and in doing so, developed skills that build on critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork.

Swinging their hips and twirling with their friends, the children labored together to provide a showcase that speaks to the lessons they cultured, impressing all in attendance. Their work was so spectacular that they earned participation awards.

While the younger students worked on creating improvisational performances, children in third, fourth and fifth grade provided a showstopping musical entitled “The Ride of Our Lives” on May 22nd and May 23rd inside of PS 346’s auditorium. For several months, the Brooklyn Children’s Theater (BCT) molded the youngsters into Broadway stars teaching them how to set the stage.

On May 22nd, the children rehearsed their lines, learned how scenes are paced, how to project their voice, and dance choreography. It was through this experience, running through their lines that the students learned what worked in a scene and what didn’t.

The story follows a group of student council representatives being treated to a trip to Luna Park in Coney Island; however, an encounter with a group of rebellious students and the delays of the MTA system led to an unforgettable adventure.

On May 23rd, “Ride of Our Lives” was performed three times throughout the school day for their fellow classmates and in the evening for their parents. The book was written by Sissy Van Dyke with music and lyrics by Deidre Struck in collaboration with BCT Youth Advisors Zadia Danon & Teal Meyers.

Photos by Amanda Moses

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Amanda Moses

