- Be sure to wear the correct footwear, wearing shoes and boots that are not worn out and still provide good traction on the heels and soles and also include special anti-skid materials to prevent slips and falls.
- Take your time when moving from one location to another and step carefully when you can’t tell if the path is clear; walk with someone if you can.
- Eat foods or take supplements in adequate amounts that will keep your bones strong to prevent breaks if you do fall. These supplements may include those such as calcium, vitamin D and dairy products — or whatever your doctors recommend.
- Stay active all year to maintain the muscles that will help move freely and maintain balance on all walking surfaces, especially ice.
- Be sure you know not to be afraid to ask for help if needed.
- Prepare for an emergency if you do fall. Who will you call? How will you get to a phone? Who will check on you daily to be sure you are safe? Is it time for an alert system that can assist in an emergency? Consider implementing planned check in times when the weather creates extra risks.
- Prevention takes a little planning and possibly some acceptance that the risk is higher. You may not be able to keep your senior loved from falling this winter, but when you follow these tips, you may be able to prevent a serious injury from occurring or provide help before a simple fall becomes something more serious in the cold
Spring Creek Senior Partners offers many events and activities to help keep you active, informed and healthy.
Join us for:
Movements Class- Tuesday 10am-11:00am
Jewelry class- Tuesday 11:30am-12:30pm
Zumba Class- Wednesday 10am-11am
Arts &Crafts- Thursday 10am -11:30am
Games &Puzzle- Thursday 2pm-3:30pm
Movies Day- Friday 11am -1pm
Bingo Class- Friday 2pm-3:30pm
The staff of Spring Creek Senior Partners is here to assist those living in Spring Creek Towers who are 60 years and older. You are always welcome to participate in our many events and activities.
If you need to see one of our caseworkers or the NORC Nurse, please call for an appointment. Our number is 718-348-7620.
Spring Creek Senior Partners is a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community/Supportive Service Program (NORC/SSP) and we serve all residents who are 60 years or older. Our services are free and open to all residents of Spring Creek Towers. You can visit Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at 160 Schroeders Ave. (G5) or call us 718-348-7620.