Third Annual Twin Pines Management Softball Game

By Amanda Moses

The 3rd annual Twin Pines Management Softball Game hit a homerun with staff at the Seaview Avenue field on September 13th.

The much anticipated sporting event brought various departments within the Spring Creek Towers company together as they vied for the championship trophy. In addition to the friendly competition and social interaction, staff were treated to a delicious barbecue lunch complete with hamburgers, hotdogs, and sandwiches.

The skies were clear, and the sweltering sun rays provided for the perfect weather to see who would win the battle of the departments and if the Powerhouse could continue to be reigning champions.

Team 1390’s Lori Jones kicked off the game with a stellar rendition of the National Anthem, and then the first pitch was thrown.

The first set of matches were held simultaneously between the bright-red rocket 1390 Team versus the thunderous strength of the Powerhouse (Power Plant Department), while the mighty Maintenance team faced off against the Safety Enforcers (Department of Public Safety (DPS).

The first round of games saw the Powerhouse and Maintenance Department earning wins for their teams. However, in the final inning, in what the Powerhouse are calling an upset the Maintenance Department snatched the championship. One might even say the Maintenance Department swept up the competition by the end of the evening.

Photos by Amanda Moses

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Amanda Moses

