Twin Pines Management First Annual Softball Game

By Amanda Moses

Batter up!

On September 9th, Spring Creek Towers’ (SCT) Twin Pines Management hosted their first annual softball game on Seaview Avenue, featuring four teams: office workers from 1390 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Maintenance Team, members of the Power Plant, and the Department of Public Safety.  

The skies were clear, and the sweltering sun rays provided for the perfect weather to see who would win the battle of the departments and become the reigning champions.

Within the dirt laden diamond field, employees gathered with their hands over their hearts as Lori Jones performed a stellar rendition of the National Anthem.

It was then time to play ball! After a resounding salute from the multiple teams, Twin Pines Management’s VP/General Manager, Sabrin M. Basil threw the first pitch to Managing Director, Andy Kane.

“We will, we will, rock you!” chants rang out from Team 1390’s cheerleaders as the games began, which saw the Power Plant and Maintenance Teams as the top winners of the day.

Win or lose, the softball game cultivated bonds between new and veteran employees with fun banter and friendly competition.

Photos by Amanda Moses

Amanda Moses

