As the snow slowly begins to melt despite the lingering cold, one sign that the warmth of spring is on the horizon is the sight of Brant Geese.
These beautiful birds often make pitstops in the Spring Creek Towers community during migration season. Often mistaken for Canadian Geese, Brant Geese are smaller and darker birds with gray bellies and chests, black necks, and white necklaces. Some geese are tagged with a neckband/collar to monitor their migration behavior.

If you see a neckband, take note of the number and tag color from afar (It is unsafe to approach a wild animal). You can report the location of the bird encounter by calling the Bird Banding Laboratory at (800) 327–2269. Your information can help researchers gather valuable data on migration behavior, social structure, lifespan, reproductive success, survival rates, and population growth. As a token of appreciation, the Bird Banding Laboratory will send you a certificate for your contribution. Feel free to share your photos and thoughts about our feathered visitors to be featured on the Spring Creek Sun website. And remember, don’t feed the birds! They have plenty of worms to dine on within Spring Creek Towers’ many lawns.
For more information visit: https://www.usgs.gov/labs/bird-banding-laboratory
Photos by Amanda Moses and Nanda Prabhakar