As the year comes to a close, let’s take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments. Think about a specific achievement that brought you joy. It could be something that took years of hard work or a task that came together unexpectedly at the right moment.
Reflection involves self-awareness and gratitude towards ourselves. Appreciating our lives, work, patience, kindness, boundaries, and decision-making is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.
Life is filled with ups and downs; however, it is our responsibility to seek out the light at the end of the tunnel.
5 ways to end the new year in a positive way
Socialize: Connect with loved ones and friends (those whom you actually like) Social interaction and activities like making plans, providing support, and enjoying time together can reduce stress and help cognitively, behaviorally, and physically.
Declutter and organize: Get rid of that old shirt you never wear or the broken dresser you’ve meant to throw away. Decluttering your space helps clear your mind.
Journaling: Writing down your thoughts, year-end accomplishments, and new goals can help you kick off the new year successfully. Nurturing your creativity through writing can build confidence, expand your vocabulary, and improve your overall mental health.
Workout: Explore new exercises to enhance energy and improve mental and physical activity. Practicing meditation throughout the day can effectively reduce stress. Engaging in energy-boosting activities such as Pilates, yoga, and swimming can help to increase your overall energy levels.
Get Those Z’s: Experts suggest aiming for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Insufficient sleep can result in various health problems, including weight gain. Excessive sleep can also negatively impact one’s health.
Remember, don’t be so hard on yourself; do everything in moderation, and enjoy your holiday experience. Happy Holidays from Spring Creek Sun!
Information provided by: purdue.edu & otterbein.org