Spring Creek Senior Partners’ Summer Barbeque

By: Pamela Stern

On Tuesday, August 13th, Spring Creek Senior Partners (SCSP) held their 2nd Annual Summer  Barbeque outside of the Brooklyn Sports Club (BSC) by the basketball courts from 1-4pm. Approximately 150 people attended this fun afternoon event.

This festive event is an annual celebration that SCSP started last summer and the clients are loving it! Not only are they enjoying each other’s company and the food but, they enjoyed the music too. The DJ provided a vast variety of music from R & B,  and Soca to Latin Music. The music got everyone on their feet up and dancing to the music, including the  staff along with the seniors.  Tropical Fete provided entertainment by walking around and dancing on stilts.

The delicacies of the BBQ included: chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, and baked beans that were all cooked on the premises. Attendees were having fun, eating, and socializing with each other.

 SCSP had lots of incredible feedback from their clients. The older adults  said“Senior Partners does it big! Senior Partners always has nice events.

I had fun! And “Everything was beautiful.”

“I felt great about serving the SCSP community. The weather held up. The people were happy, so I’m happy,“ said Robin Devonish, NORC Supervisor.

Photos courtesy of: SCSP

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Pamela Stern

