By Pamela Stern
The Spring Creel Towers’ (SCT) Community Health and Wellness Fair was held on October 15th outside of the Brooklyn Sports Club (BSC). Approximately 175 community members and residents took advantage of the fresh fall weather and stopped by to check it out.
There were a total of 32 community organizations present including representatives from New York State Senator Persaud’s office, Councilman Barron, and Congressman Jeffries’ offices. A representative from Senator Persaud’s office stated that they were happy to attend an event that “nourished the public” and allowed them to “communicate with residents and meet new organizations.”
Attendees were able to experience free fitness activities, learn about health resources, partake in raffles, enjoy music and of course receive free giveaways.
NYC Love Hub provided wellness education on mental health, self-care, and a wholistic approach. There was also an acupuncture practitioner onsite doing ear acupuncture demonstrations. A 45-minute Bachata class taught attendees basic steps, which was sponsored by Starry Internet.
“What a great day! This was The Opportunity Hub’s first time hosting a resource fair on site, and we were thrilled to have fantastic weather, a great turnout, and participation from exceptional partners. It was wonderful to bring together organizations from around Brooklyn, some of whom had never made it down to Spring Creek Towers before, to share resources and make connections with residents and community members,” said Nanda Prabhakar, Executive Director of The Opportunity Hub.
“We will be planning another outdoor health and resource fair in the spring, when weather permits. The Opportunity Hub is planning additional activities and workshops as well, with a focus on wellness and self-care, career readiness, college access and the financial aid process, as well as financial literacy and empowerment,” said Prabhakar.
This event was sponsored by: The Opportunity Hub, Live On NY, Rise Up East New York and the Brooklyn Sports Club.
Photos courtesy of: the Opportunity Hub and Nancy Uhland of Rise Up East New York